
MbGLab is a Research and Development division of Northtronics Ltd. Our main goal is to develop new products in HiFi Audio category for customers enjoying good quality of music reproduction. We also offer parts, guides, blog posts and documentation for DIY community to increase creativity, understanding of electronics and help everybody to do incredible electronic builds themself.


MbGLab® is registered trade mark of Northtronics Ltd. in the United Kingdom.

Northtronics Ltd. is company registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 07846014. Registered office: London, United Kingdom.

We do not collect personal information. We do not take any responsibilities of the results of using this website or information published here. Please, be careful. Many of the devices described in this site use or generate potentially lethal electric currents.

All schematics and designs are copyright Georgi Kiselov and Northtronics Ltd. UK unless stated otherwise. All rights reserved. Please use information on this website for you own education and entertainment. You may NOT build from information on this website for commercial profit without a royalty agreement with the author in place.